Tuesday, July 6, 2010

First Day of School and 4th of July

Evelyn started preschool on July 1! She was so excited as we got dressed and made her lunch for the day. When we arrived, she hung her backpack and placed her lunchbox in the basket. Next, we found her cubby and placed her naptime blanket, pillow, and kitty inside. We then made our way to the multipurpose room where the children can play different activities until time to go in to the classroom. We walked in, she headed straight for some toys, and didn't even look back or say good-bye to Mommy! Mommy made it to the parking lot before crying.... We are so pleased that she loves school and is excited--it is better than the alternative. As for the 4th of July, we celebrated with our court neighbors and Evelyn got to stay up really late to watch the fireworks!