Sunday, November 30, 2008

Indiana Holiday Time

On Wed. night, we hit the highways to visit family in IN. To our great surprise, there wasn't much traffic and Evelyn was an angel all the way! She never once fussed for a toy, book, or any other reason. She just sat in her car seat, petted Mindy, and looked out the window until she fell asleep around 7:30 p.m. We were astonished at how well she traveled! Grandma Donna cooked a large Thanksgiving feast for us and Evelyn gobbled up every last bite on her plate (imagine that)! The next day, we headed up to visit Grandma Jill and the Grandfather along with Grandma Jeanna, Aunt Kenzie, Uncle Ty, and Aunt Abby. We exchanged Christmas presents and played with our second cousin Blake, who is about the same age as Evelyn. Sat. morning we headed back down to Grandma Donna's and exchanged more Christmas presents there. Now, we are home safe and sound and watching the first snowfall of the season--pretty to look at, but Mommy would rather see it in a picture while sunbathing at the beach!

Sunday, November 23, 2008

It has been a while...

Since our last post, we have been busy with colds, work, and lots of playing. It seems like either Daddy, Mommy, or now Evelyn has had a cold with a cough for the past month. Of course, Daddy's began as an ear infection that became severe rather quickly. He finally went in to a doctor and got medicine. Then, it was Mommy's turn to fall under the spell of a cold. Now, Evelyn has a runny nose with a cough. Hopefully, we will make it through Thanksgiving without having to see the doctor. Hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving--we will post pics from our Thanksgiving in IN soon.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Let The Training Begin!

On Monday night at 5:00 p.m., Evelyn came around the corner of the kitchen pulling at her diaper and fussing. When Mommy asked her if she needed to go potty on the potty chair, Evelyn took off for the bathroom. We sat on the potty for a few minutes and read some books, then Evelyn stood up and she had gone potty! We did a high five and celebrated! Since that day, she has gone potty on the chair a few other times--looks like we are heading down the potty training road! My what a big girl she is becoming.